Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Paperchase favourites...

I had a little pop out to the shops over the weekend and spotted quite a few lovely bits and bobs in good old Paperchase, so I thought I'd share a few of my current favourites...
As you probably know from seeing past posts regarding stationery, I am a bit of a hoarder when it comes to notebooks and tend to buy them just because of how beautiful they are, 
never to actually use them... don't be ridiculous! 
(for display purpouses only, ha ha!)
So, having a nosey around Paperchase for me is like being a kid in a sweet shop!
And they bring gorgeous new ranges out all the time.

Three of their new collections at the moment are 'Marine Team'...

'Anchors Ahoy'

and 'Taking Tea'

And here are a few other bits...

(all copyright belongs to Paperchase and images are from

x x x
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