Thursday, 26 April 2012

On my bookshelf...

I've had a little book purchase frenzy recently and just couldn't resist these lovely books by Jennifer Adams. Im a sucker for a beautifully illustrated children's book and have quite a few gathering on my bookshelf, and these are the latest to be added.

All of them are illustrated by Alison Oliver and the titles are 'Little Masters' or 'Little Miss'. 
The four books in the collection are Alice in Wonderland, Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre and Romeo and Juliet, and I'm hoping there'll be more added in the future as they're sooo lovely.

Three of them are counting primer books and feature significant, key imagery associated with each story, going from 1 to 10, Romeo and Juliet's one balcony, seven masks, eight love letters, etc...
and the fourth is a colours primer, picking out key colours from the story; Alice's black shoes, a white rabbit, orange cat, etc...

Here are a few little pics...

 (all pictures taken by me)

Ooh and my next parcels arrived this know what that means...
The lovely Tea and Cake book I was awaiting, yay!!

x x x
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