Monday, 28 April 2014

Etsy shop finds...a chat with Faye Bradley!

I'm having a chat with Faye Bradley for this months etsy shop post...
Faye has recently graduated from Falmouth University and enjoys creating characters and writing stories for children. 
She has art prints, cards, cushions and bags for sale in her shop so be sure to check them out.

Heres a little gander into her world....
Grab that cuppa!

1. Can you tell us a bit about you and your background...

Since a young age I have always been very creative, 
I would draw lots of little people and cut them out and make up stories about them, 
my Barbies didn’t even get a look in! 
It wasn’t until I embarked on an Art Foundation Course after my A levels that I discovered what illustration was and that I could make a career from it.

2. What books/ magazines are currently on your coffee table?

Mike Perry – Over and Over a catalogue of hand drawn patterns. 
Mike Perry is great, this book is especially good to flick through to leave me feeling inspired. 
George Orwell – Down and Out in Paris and London. 
I have just finished this book and it is such a good read, the perfect example of a modern classic.

3. Who is your design hero and what inspires you?

I am a fan of simple Scandinavian style design. 
I am also inspired by the painter Egon Shiele, his mark making is so bold and full of energy.
For me, inspiration comes from a variety of places, 
I am obsessed with the detail and the diagrammatic layout found in old charts.

4. Tell us about a typical day for you...

Every day is quite different which is what I love about illustrating. 
My day usually starts on the computer, emailing and processing any orders that I may have on Etsy. 
After that, I usually begin drawing or painting for my current project. 
Later on in the day I will take a break to get some fresh air by walking the dogs or going for a run. 
It is important to have time out when you are self employed but sometimes it is difficult to tear yourself away!

5. Can you give us an insight into your creative process?

I find my inspiration can come from anywhere – looking for old paper to create collages with, colour palettes or a refreshing walk can allow lots of ideas to spring up.
When approaching a brief I usually begin with lots of tiny, very messy little drawings to get ideas from my mind on to paper. 
These will go on to be developed (quite a lot) before the final idea is finished.

6. What art do you have on your wall?

An amazing drawing of a brain that my boyfriend did, 
he used just a fine black pen and it is incredibly detailed.

7. What are your top three blogs?– a wonderful lifestyle blog by a lovely Australian lady called Emily about her young family. – a delight of lovely images, interviews and more! – I real wholesome blog. 

8. Why do you like being an illustrator/designer? (in 10 words or less)

Every day is different!

9. What is your favourite piece for sale in your etsy shop, and why?

I think it has to be my ‘Wonderful Whales of the World’ print. 
I created the image when I was still at university and was fascinated by Whales. 
They are so interesting to draw with all their lovely barnacles. 
It has now become my best seller!

You can follow Faye on Facebook
and click here to visit her illustration website

(all images above copyright of Faye Bradley)

Thanks for taking some time out with us Faye!

x x x
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