Monday, 29 November 2021

Colour Crush

 Well, its been a while hasn't it!?

I thought I'd just pop in and say that although I'm not blogging regularly on this platform, you can still find lots of lovely posts over on my instagram account, so please come and follow along if you fancy it, I'd love to see you over there.


Here are a few of my recent colour crush posts...

(image credits can be found on the post over on instagram)

x x x


Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Meet the Maker - Leanne Ball | Rolling Roses

A brand new regular feature where I’ll be interviewing and showcasing the amazing talents of crafters, designers, makers and creative indie businesses!

First up is the super lovely Leanne of Rolling Roses who creates the most beautiful, decorative ceramic jewellery and homeware pieces.

1. Tell us a little about Rolling Roses... 

I have loved making since being a kid and playing with 'Get Set' craft kits and Fimo.

I progressed to clay in art classes at school and was instantly addicted. I went on to study Contemporary Crafts at Lincoln University, specialising in ceramics. After graduating I shared a studio with a friend for a while before taking the plunge in 2013 and buying my own kiln and converting our little outhouse into a small studio space. I began experimenting with porcelain and just loved it's delicacy and purity. I live in Nottingham, a city known for it's lace heritage and became obsessed with lace after visiting an exhibition.

I found that the beautiful and intricate patterns found in lace took so well when impressed into the clay surface. Inspired by the beautiful detail created I began to work on a range of functional and decorative homeware combining both materials.

The name Rolling Roses comes from the process of rolling the often floral lace into the clay.

Celebrating the purity of the porcelain with a soft pastel colour palette and hints of gold, the Rolling Roses range has gradually evolved ino a recognisable collection of feminine ceramic homeware with a complimentary range of jewellery.

2. What did you do prior to starting your own business? 

Until last year I have always worked full time alongside making and gradually building up the Rolling Roses brand. I have been lucky to work in roles in the Interiors and customer service sector which I love, enjoying the creative and social side of this work.  After graduating University I worked as a visual merchandiser and Deputy Store Manager for a lovely interiors company for a number of years.

When we were sadly made redundant I began working as a Customer Account Manager for a local family run company who manufacture art for retail and industry, looking after printing and contract work for other small businesses and Interior designers.

After my maternity leave ended I decided it was time to concentrate on Rolling Roses full time and work around family life.

3. Can you talk us through your creative process... 

I've never really been very good at translating my ideas to paper. Instead I prefer to try and work out my ideas by hand, getting a fresh piece of clay and experimenting with shapes and sizes until I find something that fits. Often the lace prints themselves determine how a piece might work and firing in itself is a process that can be very experimental. There are often surprising results when you open the kiln so I am constantly having to evolve and rethink ideas.

4. What inspires you? 

As with most designers and makers no doubt I am constanty inspired visually, whether it be from nature, architecture, colours or other objects around me. I love little details such as those found in vintage tea sets, or the shape of a spoon and of course the lace I source is a constant inspiration. I can't wait to be able to visit exhibitions and craft fairs again as being amongst other creatives is always so inspiring.

5. Where can we buy your beautiful creations? 

I have an Etsy shop where I sell my jewellery range and a few homeware pieces. I'm hoping to expand this to include some of my lace printed range. I also have a number of fabulous stockists throughout the UK, details can be found on my website. And when they are up and running again I take a full range of my work with me to Craft Fairs and Markets.

6. What does a typical work day look like for you? 

Currently there is no typial work day! I run Rolling Roses around caring for my 21 month old little boy Felix. I squeeze in working whenever I can, usually an hour or two here and there in the morning before my partner goes to work or during nap time. And then as much as I can do in the evening and usually a day at the weekend if we don't have plans. Post runs are usually done with Felix in tow and involve a very slow toddler walk looking at every stick and stone on route and usually via the park.

7. What are the best and worst things about running your own craft business? 

The best thing is being able to play with clay as my real life job. I absolutely love making and feel so lucky to be able to earn a living from it. I only have a tiny little studio at home but it's my happy place and I instantly feel calmer the moment I get my hands into some clay. The flexibility of running my own business means I also get to enjoy spending my time wth Felix and can work as and when I can even if it is a bit sporadic most of the time. The worst thing about running my own craft business is being responsible for everything. Not only do I make all of my stock from scratch, I have to be the admin, accounts, social media manager, packer and dispatcher and everything else in between that comes with running your own business. As a maker I love the hands on side of my business but am not so great at keeping up with the tech side of the business and feel less confident with anything involving a screen rather than a lump of clay.

8. What’s your most popular product, and your own personal favourite to create, and why? 

My most popular product is hands down my stud earrings, in particular the tiny stud and heart designs. These always sell well both online and in my stockists, I think because they are such an affordable gift and can easily be posted. At Craft fairs and markets (ha remember those?!) my lace printed tealight holders are always popular and these are probably my most favourite to make.  I've been making these for a number of years now but I never get bored of making them. Each one is always unique and I like experimenting with different shapes and designs. I have a few new ideas to experiment with when I get chance...

9. With us hopefully getting back to some kind of normality soon,

do you have any exciting plans for the year ahead?

I can't wait to get back to selling in person at markets. At present I don't have any in the pipeline, however I'm keeping everything crossed for some of my favourite events to be up and running again this Autumn and Winter. I am currently exhibiting at Unit Twelve in Staffordshire as part of the 'Terroir' exhibition. This runs until the 28th August and is such a beautiful gallery space. I'm so honoured to be exhibiting among so many talented makers.

10. Tell us five random facts about yourself... 

*I answer to a number of nicknames, Lea, Ballene, Nanna Ball, Lady Leotard, Lan Bean, Bob and Yan to name a few. 

*I don't like regular tea or coffee.  But I do love a good cup of peppermint or lemon and ginger tea, wild I know!

*One of the reasons for the above is that I'm lactose intolerant so I stopped drinking tea due to the milk. However it hasn't stopped me eating chocolate or ice cream...  I'm a total ice cream addict! Thank goodness for lactase tabets!

*I did Ballet until I was 17 and then again for a while before having Felix. I'm not a natural by any means and actually hated doing any stage performances but I love the dance and exercise and would like to take classes again.

* I LOVE to travel (or at least I did before the last year) and have a constant wishlist of places I would like to visit.  I Interrailed one summer, travelled around the East coast of Australia, and have been lucky enough to visit so many beautiful countries for holidays.  A particular favourite was Mexico, so diverse and the food was amazing. In 2018 we were very greedy and travelled to the Azores, Indonesia and Iceland.  I can't wait until we can go exploring again as a family and until then we're very lucky to be able to use a family caravan on the beautiful Norfolk coast.

x x x

Friday, 20 November 2020

A little update...

While I’m still absent from my poor little abandoned blog, you can find me

sharing lots of lovely content and inspirational posts on Instagram.

Curated moodboards, wonderful books, lots of colour crushing and just beautiful things

I’m currently loving!

Click here to head over and give it a follow if you fancy.

x x x


Saturday, 19 October 2019

A special arrival...

It’s going to be a little quiet on loveprintstudio for a while...

These perfect little feet will be keeping me pretty busy.

Our little tiny dancer, Esme Minnie Richards arrived Saturday 28th September at 6.33pm, weighing 5lb 11oz of absolute pure perfection!

She’s such a calm, content, happy little soul and gives the best sleepy baby snuggles.

Welcome to the world little one, we are so so grateful to finally have you here, and we couldn’t be more in love with you...

You can still find me posting over on Instagram here.

x x x

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Creative Quarters...Emma Rees | Dainty Forest

The next designer to be featured in Creative Quarters is Emma Rees aka Dainty Forest.

Emma Rees, is the illustrator and designer behind Dainty Forest.
She gained her BA and MA in Visual Communication and shortly after graduating, she began her design career in London working for a prestigious gift ware company, creating patterns, packaging and products and travelling to India to source fabrics and create new products. 

After several years of living in the big smoke, Emma moved to the midlands to pursue her freelance career, designing for a number of high street brands from a tiny but lovely studio in an old mill in Derbyshire.
She went on to design for small businesses and realised this is where her true passion lay. 

In June 2018, Dainty forest launched with a small collection of prints and Emma secured her first stockist, Handmade Nottingham and continued to grow her collection.
Dainty Forest has recently celebrated its first birthday and now includes a wider range of prints, greetings cards, illustrated flashcards for little ones, mirrors and a tote bag!
The range is stocked in a number of number of independent boutiques across the uk and several online marketplaces.
With a strong focus on typographic elements and a delicate colour scheme, Dainty Forest aims to have a little something that everyone can enjoy. 

Emma splits her time between designing for lovely small businesses , growing Dainty Forest and running after her toddler.
She loves to help other small businesses and is available for commissions and collaborations. 

Below you will find links to her work:

Instagram: @DaintyForest
Facebook: DaintyForeststudio

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I hope you've enjoyed reading a little about Emma,
and seeing a selection of her work.

If youre interested in working with Emma,
or want to get in touch, please visit the links above.

x x x


Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Colour crush...

A perfect palette for the start of autumn.
Terracotta just seems to work in any combination at the moment doesn't it, it can do no wrong!
I'm loving it with these beautiful blue tones...

(image credits clockwise from top left)

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 unknown

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Friday, 13 September 2019

Five instagrammers to follow for nursery decor inspiration...

Here are five fabulous instagram accounts to follow, especially for all those Moms and Dads to be, looking for gloriously gorgeous nursery decor inspiration.
Be sure to check out their feeds and hit that 'follow' button for inspiring interiors, wonderful designer maker pieces, gifts, toys and beautiful brands.
If you missed the last little round up on jewellery, see it here.

x x x

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Sebra Interiors...

Sebra Interiors is a Danish brand, creating beautiful children's interiors, toys, accessories, furniture and textiles since 2004.
Their new AW19 'Wildlife' collection presents animals from all over the world featuring some of children's favourite animals, giraffes, lions, elephants and not forgetting the much loved trendy sloth. Alongside soothing shades inspired by autumn... terracotta tones, rust, mustard, yellow and green mixed with wonderful neutrals, it makes for one gorgeous collection your little ones are sure to love.

Scandinavian lifestyle brands never disappoint with beautifully considered, quality children's interiors do they?

(images above © Sebra Interiors)

x x x

Friday, 30 August 2019

Creative Quarters... Klara Hawkins

The next designer to be featured in Creative Quarters is Klara Hawkins.

Klara has been an illustrator for over twenty years.
Growing up she always loved drawing and this only increased when she received a set of watercolour pencils for her 8th Birthday.
It was the best present ever and she began drawing landscapes which she entered into competitions at the local village show and won.

Upon leaving school, Klara went to art college and it was there her tutor suggested she would suit illustration.
It hadn’t even occurred to her that being an illustrator was a possible career choice but the
seed was planted and she never looked back.

Leaving Lancashire for London, Klara did a degree in illustration.
Upon graduating she was lucky enough to land her dream job as an illustrator and designer for a top greetings card and gift company.
Here she learnt a huge amount and grew her skills developing best selling ranges for a well known UK department store.

After 16 years working as an anonymous designer Klara was yearning for more and embarked upon a
freelance career. Mostly working on greetings cards and children’s book she has also discovered the
wonderful world of surface pattern. Klara has falling in love with making patterns and enjoys the freedom that it brings to her drawing.

Inspired by different cultures, colour, nature and the great outdoors her work has a naive quality that
appeals to both children and adults alike. Now in her 4th year of business she has been lucky enough to work with clients such as The British Museum, Harrods, Marks and Spencer, Paperchase, Penguin Books, Selfridges, Scribbler, Waterstones and Woodmansterne.

Klara lives in Surrey with her husband and daughter and most days she can be found at her desk happily drawing pictures.
Alongside freelance, Klara is excitedly working on a new venture to launch herself as a publisher.
She’s busy designing greetings cards and gift ranges which she will wholesaling as well
as selling on her website.

Instagram - @klarahawkins

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I hope you've enjoyed reading a little about Klara,
and seeing a selection of her work.

If youre interested in working with Klara,
or want to get in touch, please visit the links above.

x x x


Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Colour Crush...

I'll never get bored of these beautiful peachy tones.
Mixed with terracotta, mustard, dusty blues and deep berry, its definitely up there as a favourite!

(image credits clockwise from top left)

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

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Friday, 23 August 2019

Childrens books out soon!

There are some fabulous books coming out in this latter part of the year.
It doesn't seem like five minutes ago I was posting about children's books out at the beginning of the year!
Where has 2019 gone exactly?
Releases between now and the end of the year include 'Alma and the Beast' from Esme Shapiro which is sure to be a delight, much like her other books.
A new Oliver Jeffers book is always something to look forward to, and another addition to the Franklin and Luna series from Katie Harnett and Jen Campbell, yay!
Heres what to look out for...
Add to wish list, go go go!

Alma and the Beast written and illustrated by Esme Shapiro - published 3rd September
(Tundra Books)

The Fate of Fausto written and illustrated by Oliver Jeffers - published 17th September
(Harper Collins)

The Boy with Big, Big Feelings written by Britney Winn Lee and illustrated by Jacob Souva - published 20th August
(Fortress Press)

Franklin and Luna and the Book of Fairytales written by Jen Campbell and illustrated by Katie Harnett - published 19th September 
(Thames & Hudson)

Gus and the Greatest Catch of All written and illustrated by Victoria Cossack - published 22nd October
(Page Street Kids)

Little People, Big Dreams Bruce Lee written by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara and illustrated by Miguel Bustos - published 6th August
(Frances Lincoln Childrens Books)

My Tiny Pet written and illustrated by Jessie Hartland - published 1st September
(Nancy Paulsen Books)

Shadow written by Lucy Christopher and illustrated by Anastasia Suvorova - published 7th November
(Lantana Publishing)

A Year with Mama Earth written by Rebecca Grabill and illustrated by Rebecca Green - published 10th September
(Eerdmans Books for Young Readers)

The Cutest Thing Ever written by Amy Ignatow and illustrated by Hsinping Pan - published 10th September
(Abrams Appleseed)

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