Thursday, 27 June 2013


Well, there's not long to go now until Google Reader is no more...
So, I thought I'd do a post on the new reader I'm using, Bloglovin'.

I'm sure most of you have either heard of it or are in fact using it already.
It seems to be the most popular option from what I've seen on other peoples blogs and after giving a couple a try, I really like it too!
As fas as I'm aware, the closing of Google Reader will automatically make the 'Join this site'/ 'Followers' bit pretty much redundant too, bad times...
And I really dont want you lovely followers to be left in the bermuda triangle of blog land with nowhere to go, so...

Join bloglovin'!

Its really just create an account and as part of the process, you can import all the blogs you currently follow through google reader to your new shiny bloglovin' account

Theres an app too so you can catch up on all the goings on in blog land on your mobile or ipad, etc...

Its easy to discover new blogs with their 'popular posts' and 'top blogs' features...

Ooh ooh, and a really good additional feature which is great, are the email updates you can choose to receive daily with all the blogs you follow in one easy to scroll through email.
So, if youve not had chance to go through them individually, the email is great to get a 'top line' view of them quickly, and you can click on them to see the full post if you want to read more.

Whats not to love right..?
So, click right here to join now!

And for all of my lovely followers on here who have joined and signed in through google, please now follow me on bloglovin before July 1st when we sadly wave goodbye to google reader :-(

Here what my page of recent posts looks like on bloglovin'

x x x

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